Beating Around The Box - Stock Music
“beat Around The Box”是一首时髦而时髦的Hip-Hop歌曲,带有一点迪斯科的味道. 它的切分节奏,欢快的节奏,和传染性低音线创造一个积极和快乐的氛围.
Corporate Advertising Calm Hop
Casual, neutral business atmosphere. 嘻哈鼓和贝斯与轻合成器和吉他的组合. In the finale, the violins add uplift.乐器:静音吉他,钢琴,鼓,打击乐器,...
Fresh Hip-Hop Vibe - Stock Music
新鲜,充满活力和前卫的嘻哈音乐,光滑的纹理和悠闲,寒意. Featuring keys, synths, soft funky guitar, snaps and percussion, vocal samples, deep bass and chunky beats.
Sunset Resort - Audio Track
一张缓慢而稳定的Smooth Jazz唱片,带有休闲的氛围. This sultry, 酷和诱人的轨道将给您的媒体项目一个梦幻般的, relaxing and calm atmosphere.Suited for vintage...
时尚的都市嘻哈曲调,轻快的节拍和柔软的垫子. It is best for fashion and travel vlogs, summer, lounge or urban contents, street lifestyle videos, slideshow, promotion, commercial,...