Sakurashion - Fashion PowerPoint Template
Sakurashion can be used for various purposes, such as: advertising, branding, company profile, creative agency, company and business, fashion, marketing, and can also be used for education.
Sales: 1
Laveshion – Fashion PowerPoint Template
Laveshion can be used for various purposes, such as: advertising, branding, company profile, creative agency, company and business, fashion, marketing, and can also be used for education.
Sales: 1
WOODZ PowerPoint Template
Woodz品牌ppt演示模板是一个多功能的模板,带给你的不仅是一个美观的设计,还有专业的触觉. Every slide is created attentively with its...
Laluna PowerPoint template
Laluna ppt模板-演示模板是一个极简主义, Creative, 独特的演示模板,商业企业或个人使用, creative industry, business and many more. If...
Sales: 7
CLARIE PowerPoint template
CLARIE Inspired by colors of nature, 我们将其与整个幻灯片中元素的创造性安排保持一致. 我们选择的颜色会创造一个积极的印象和平静的感觉...
VOYD PowerPoint template
Voyd模板将是您的美容和香水系列外观册或演示文稿的完美搭配. 每张幻灯片带来干净的外观与一抹柔和的颜色,令人钦佩...
Sales: 1
FLOREZ PowerPoint template
Florez是一个优雅的模板,琥珀色为其原色,可以很容易地与各种图像混合,适合任何主题. The messages will visualize perfectly with its effective...
DAHLYA PowerPoint template
Dahlya是为你的时尚展示或外观册创造的美学. 米色和灰粉色与白色的主导地位一起执行一个甜蜜的布局,完美的你的时尚...
SEOUL PowerPoint template
首尔——能够为你的演讲选择正确的主题是至关重要的,裸色永远不会出错. It will simply pack your ideas in minimalism. If you are a creator, blogger,...
VOAL PowerPoint template
If your work is related to fashion items or beauty industry, Voal is the ideal choice to showcase your things. 有了明显的对比和极简主义的设计,这个模板专注于项目...
FLOREZ PowerPoint template
Florez是一个优雅的模板,琥珀色为其原色,可以很容易地与各种图像混合,适合任何主题. The messages will visualize perfectly with its effective...
ADHA PowerPoint template
ADHA is all sweet color collection in one template. 每张幻灯片的各种特性和功能变化将节省您设计演示文稿的时间. The friendly atmosphere...
NIEL PowerPoint template
NIEL感觉为您的演示模板添加甜蜜的颜色? Niel will complement perfectly to any topics in it. 我们相信深珊瑚色与米色的组合会让任何人...
KAlEY PowerPoint template
这个模板的特别之处在于,我们用极简主义的设计创建每张幻灯片,为您的演示文稿描绘简单的感觉. It equipped with high functionality in shades of muted brown...
CRAVE PowerPoint template
CRAVE是我们最喜欢的产品之一,因为它为你的展示增添了一丝裸色和暖色. 不要担心它的功能,因为我们认为它是必不可少的. Each...
KALA PowerPoint template
我们相信,展示一本完美的lookbook的关键不仅仅是展示热门产品,还有它的模板设计. 裸色会在你展示自己的时候留下一种亲切的氛围...
KATOUN PowerPoint Template
卡托恩——生命太短暂了,没有时间进行严格而严肃的陈述, 尝试干净的白色模板与柔和的触摸柔和的彩色胡萝卜,留下一个温和的氛围,而你的表现...
CORAL PowerPoint template
珊瑚将非常适合代表你的友好和俏皮的品牌形象. 每张幻灯片上独特的特色和吸引人的颜色组合会让你的演讲留下印象...
ALYSA PowerPoint template
要想让人们注意到一场有吸引力的演出,不一定要采用大胆的主题. 有时人们会通过看到演示的友好性而凝视并享受内容. Just like...
Sales: 6
NUDES PowerPoint template
我们正在介绍一种几乎每个人都喜欢的颜色,它迷人的苍白突出了美丽的空灵. 既然裸色是2019年的时尚潮流色,那么这个...
LAYND PowerPoint template
Laynd is a modern and elegant template to present your content. 每张幻灯片都是精心制作的,以确保每个部分都是有效的和令人钦佩的. Laynd enables you to create a presentation that...
NICALE PowerPoint template
Nicale is a cheerful, sweet, and amusing template at once. With the consistency of colors in every slide, the elements arrangement, and its creative design, make this template suits various topics...
GHYA PowerPoint template
GHYA - Touch of feminine to your presentation, why not? 不限于时尚主题基本上这个模板将简单地美化它的所有元素. Color combination on each slide will make...
AZALEA PowerPoint template
AZALEA是一套自信的颜色,为千禧一代作为目标受众进行创造性的展示. 用这个引人注目的设计模板解释你的产品、品牌、投资组合. Each...