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Sales: 1
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美味炒饭YouTube缩略图这个模板下载包含adobe photoshop PSD文件. 所有元素都是可编辑和可定制的.Features: — Easy customizable — 72 DPI — 1280x720 px...
Sonder -旅游Instagram帖子模板
Sonder - TRAVEL Instagram Post Templates10 Photoshop files (.PSD模板)的Instagram和1帮助.txt included.Clean, Simple, Minimalist, Editable and Easy to use. Square Post Templates...
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Promotional music festive poster of social media. completely customizable template with text and image, 您可以将新图像放置在图像占位符中,并通过双击它来编辑文本....
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Unlock 100 Car Rental Templates and Sell More Than Ever!This bundle will completely change your Car rental business. 有了强大的社交媒体,你的客户会增加2-5倍. With...
These banners are designed for anyone who loves videogames, entertainment, challenge, and team spirit. 你可以使用这些模板来展示你的技能、成就、事件和工作机会.
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食品社交媒体后模板清洁和现代食品社交媒体后模板,旨在促进您的业务. This Food Social Media Post template is perfect for any use. All main elements are...

Social Media Templates to Download - PSD, AI, EPS, PDF formats

Social media templates are very popular and highly demanded.



专家通常在专业软件的帮助下创建模板. This ensures the best results in terms of appearance and functionality.



Throughout the Templateog体育首页 marketplace, you can find many social media templates for any type of need.

每个包包括多个模板,将涵盖几个概念或不同的想法, allowing you the necessary design consistency for your feed.


即使它们已经可以使用了, you can edit them using some compatible programs, 例如Adobe Photoshop.


Each social media template relates to a specific topic. Whatever the industry you or your business operate in,

  • food and restaurants;
  • real estate;
  • fashion;
  • school and education;
  • beauty;
  • 保健和医疗;
  • gym;
  • furniture and design;
  • finance;
  • marketing.

File formats

你在Templateog体育首页市场上找到的社交媒体模板有多种格式. Each of them is specifically ideated for a specific purpose. The following are some of the most popular file formats:

  • PSD;
  • AI;
  • EPS;
  • PDF;
  • TXT;
  • SVG;
  • JPG;
  • JPEG.


Although all the social media templates are ready to use, 您可能需要编辑它们的颜色, texts, shapes, or overall designs. 在这种情况下,您可能需要使用以下最流行的编辑程序之一:


Social media templates are very versatile and multipurpose. You can use them for each of the following uses:

  • Instagram posts, stories, and ads;
  • Facebook帖子和广告;
  • PowerPoint;
  • Twitter.


Not all social media platforms require the same image dimensions. There is also a difference in size between posts, stories, and covers.



Instagram post size

Instagram帖子的大小要求宽度为1080像素,宽高比为1.91:1 and 4:5.

Instagram story size

推荐的Instagram故事大小为1080 x 1920像素,宽高比为9:16.

Facebook dimensions

Facebook post size

推荐的Facebook帖子大小为1200 x 630像素,宽高比为1.91:1.

Facebook story size

推荐的Facebook故事大小为1080 x 1920像素,宽高比在9:16到1之间.91:1.

Facebook cover size

理想的Facebook封面尺寸是820 x 312像素,宽高比为16:9.

Twitter dimensions

Twitter post size

推荐的Twitter帖子大小为1200 x 675像素,宽高比在2:1和1:1之间.


理想的Twitter封面照片尺寸是1500 x 500像素,宽高比为3:1.


人们更喜欢购买社交媒体模板,而不是自己设计,原因有几个. 让你了解其中的一些, 我们在下面列出了一些最相关的好处,当你购买它们时你可以享受到.

Time and money-saving

购买现成的社交媒体模板的首要和最相关的优势之一是节省时间和金钱. Designing them from scratch may require a relatively long time. In addition, 如果您没有专门为他们创建的一些软件的经验, 你可能需要雇佣一个网页设计师, 这可能会很贵.

Design consistency

Almost all the templates you find online come in packs. 这意味着你将有多个社交媒体模板可以使用和发布. Thus, 您将能够保证提要和配置文件之间的设计一致性, 确保一个专业和愉快的外观.

Professional work

专家设计模板与软件经验和设计技能. So when you buy them, 你可以在不具备必要技能的情况下获得专业工作的好处.

Multiple formats

The social media templates are available in multiple formats. Thus, whether you intend to edit them or publish them straightforwardly, 您可以完全灵活地选择最适合预期用途的格式. 举个例子, if you’d like to edit the template using Adobe Photoshop, 您可以选择其原始文件格式:PSD.


即使您购买的模板包含预先制作的布局和样式, this doesn't mean you can make little tweaks to make it your own. 您可以轻松地使用程序和在线工具对下载的模板进行必要的更改, shapes, 还有你为你的品牌挑选的款式.


When presented with thousands and thousands of social media graphics, 做出正确的选择可能很难.

To help you out, 我们在下面列出了在选择一组图形或单个模板之前需要注意的一些最重要的细节.


在你所有的社交媒体资料中, 你应该发布与你的品牌风格一致的设计. This way, 你要确保一致性, and users will be more likely to remember your brand or business.


选择模板时, 检查它是否包含支持服务是一个很好的做法. 在其实现或使用过程中可能存在一些问题或疑虑. In such cases, 你可能需要立即得到答案, 这样你就可以节省自己解决问题的时间了.

Choose the right format

Since templates are available in multiple formats, you need to get the appropriate one for the intended use. If you plan to edit the template with a specific program, you need to choose a format that can be opened and edited. Furthermore, 如果您打算将模板直接实现到您的网站或将其发布在社交媒体平台上, 你需要选择最合适的格式.


Using social media allows you to express your creativity. On the other hand, 有时候你会被新想法困住,不知道接下来该发表什么. 幽灵是错误的选择, 特别是如果你是一家企业, 因为人们会对你的个人资料失去兴趣. Therefore, you should be able to post something at least once a day.


Educational content

用户很可能会欣赏教育性内容,因为它具有帮助性和信息量. 这就解释了为什么他们会得到很多的分享和参与(点赞、评论等).). 你既可以向你的关注者介绍你的产品或服务,也可以介绍与你所在行业相关的一般话题.

你可以在社交媒体上发布的教育内容的例子是信息图表, 培训视频, FAQs, case studies, tips and tricks, how-to posts.

Inspirational content

鼓舞人心的内容帖子可以帮助你将你的品牌与你的客户和潜在客户联系起来. 此外,他们在所有社交媒体平台上都有很高的参与度.

你可以在社交媒体上发布的励志内容包括语录, images, personal stories.

Interactive content



Connecting content

Connecting content posts allow you to get closer to your followers. This will enable you to share your story and add a personal touch, 哪一种可能会引发情绪.

Examples of connecting content posts include behind the scenes, stories, personal images/videos, employee features, thanking fans.

Promotional content


Your followers, clients, 潜在客户也会被告知你的最新产品和促销活动, 什么会激励他们采取行动(购买, subscription, and so on).

Examples of promotional content posts include promotions, discounts, client testimonials, webinars, freebies.

Newsworthy content

Although they’re not suitable for any type of business, 有新闻价值的帖子很受欢迎,受到社区的广泛赞赏.

你既可以分享从值得信赖的网站获取的新闻,也可以创建并发布自己的新闻. 在第二种情况下,您可能需要许多资源和相对较长的时间.

Entertaining content

最受欢迎和最受欢迎的内容帖子类型之一是娱乐帖子. 人们喜欢笑或被逗乐,所以分享积极的经历会让他们感觉很好.

Entertaining content can also help you gain customer loyalty, 强化品牌识别, 更接近你的潜在客户.


Social Media Templates Unlimited Download with og体育首页ONE

如果你的目标需要不止一个社交媒体模板包, buying them separately might be expensive and could take time. 如果这是你的情况,订阅 og体育首页ONE Plan可能是您需要的正确解决方案. It will enable you to access and download unlimited social media templates and many other graphics designed by experts from all around the world.



社交媒体营销包括社交媒体平台,与你的受众和潜在客户建立联系, build your brand, increase your sales, 提高网站流量.





What are the best social media platforms for marketing?

一些最受欢迎的营销社交媒体平台包括Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn.

What is the best program to edit social media posts?

Photoshop是专业编辑社交媒体帖子的最佳程序之一. 该软件提供了所有的工具,你将需要任何类型的编辑.