线上购物2 文档v4-5


This theme is not compatible with Magento 1.9个引擎. Refer to Live-Demo Page to check the theme Compatibility.
To avoid unexpected problems after installation. Make sure your Magento engine meets the theme requirements.

You can find the theme requirements on the 的me Live-Demo page.

请 strictly follow the steps described in this guide.

注意! 请 import sample data if you have a live website as it will completely replace your da选项卡ase 内容, 和 all your website data will be 失去了.

的 detailed Magento update guide you will find on the Magento用户指南.

It is recommended to install the theme on a test server before you install it on a live store.


We are going to review template configuration options based on the example. We will configure it the same way as our Live Demo template, without affecting products data.


  1. Open Magento admin panel 和 navigate to 内容 > 配置 menu.
  2. 在 list of stores you need 点击 编辑 at 全球主要的网站. Also, you can 点击 编辑 for a particular store view if you have them.
  3. 默认主题 点击 应用主题 drop-down list select the required theme, then 点击 保存配置 button.

You can find the detailed instructions on how to activate Magento theme 在这里.


请 follow these steps when setting up logo image included into the theme package (you can view it on the Live Demo page).

  1. Open the Magento admin panel 和 select 内容 > 配置 在侧边菜单中.
  2. 在 list of stores you need 点击 编辑 at 全球主要的网站. Also, you can 点击 编辑 for a particular store view if you have them.
  3. 选择“Header标签,上传你的logo.
  4. 点击 “保存配置” button.

In order to install your company logo, you need to upload the logo image file into the /图片 文件夹的Magento主题.

You can change the Logo using the 主题的选择 模块.

  1. In order to change the Logo, 点击 the 商店 > 设置 > 配置.
  2. 然后选择 TEMPLATEMONSTER > 主题的选择 in the left side menu 和 you'll move to the 模块 settings interface.
  3. 导航到 General选项卡 > 标志设置.
  4. 主题的选择 模块 features will be described later in the TM扩展设置 章.




In order to make your template look exactly like our Live Demo, you need to set up store pages in a specific way. We provide all the files with the pages source code. You need to add them into Magento admin panel as per the instructions below using the settings 选项卡le. 设置表位于 技术细节 page on the template preview page. 的 文档 file contains the link to this page:

  • 文档
    • 文档.html

的 main template page will be affected the most. It usually contains the following elements: banners, slider, gallery, etc.

We recommend that you disable the WYSIWYG 编辑or. To do this, from the admin top menu select 商店 > 配置. 打开“内容管理部分取消选中,并在 所见即所得的选项 窗口设置”启用所见即所得编辑器“选项到”完全禁用".

In case you have already made the changes to your pages code 和 would like to add our code without affecting your changes, it is recommended to contact professional technicians or prepare a backup before making changes.

  1. 从顶部菜单中选择 内容 > Pages. Here you can find all the store pages. 主页, og体育客户服务 should already be available, so you don't need to add them. You only need to update the pages HTML 和 XML 内容. Open any of them in order to get the access to the 内容.
  2. 打开页面并选择 内容 选项卡. It contains the HTML code of the page. You can take the page HTML code from the appropriate source file. You can see the list of source files included in the "Template 设置" section on your templates preview page. Copy the code from the source file 和 paste it to the 内容 area.
  3. When you are done with the HTML code, switch to “设计” 选项卡. 它包含页面XML代码. XML code allows you to add Magento static blocks 和 widgets to the page. 的 XML code should be copied the same way as the HTML from the source file. 将XML代码复制到布局更新XML”区域.
  4. Don't forget to select the valid "布局”选项.
  5. In case you need to add a new page, 点击 the “添加新页面” 按钮在右上角.


  1. 如何更改主页?
  2. 如何添加新页面?
  3. 如何在页面上添加新的小部件?



When you are done with the pages configuring, you need to configure the static blocks. 的 procedure is similar: you need to copy the code from the source files 和 paste it to the corresponding fields in the Magento admin panel. You need to use a similar 选项卡le but for the static blocks.

Block ID may vary in your Magento installation. You can get correct block id from 内容 > “管理”面板中的.

  1. 在顶部菜单中导航到 内容 > 块.
  2. 在 top right corner 点击 the “添加新块” 按钮添加新的静态块.
  3. Specify the block name 和 identifier. You can get the block details from the 选项卡le at the template configuration page [check the 页面配置 part].
  4. Open the block source file 和 copy the HTML code into the 内容 area.

NOTE: some templates do not contain any static blocks, so the 选项卡le can be empty.

的 source files with the static blocks code are stored in the "来源\ demo \ static_blocks \模板包所在文件夹.

How to display our blocks with static 内容?

  1. 在顶部菜单中导航到 内容 > Widgets
  2. 在 top right corner 点击 the “添加小部件” 按钮以添加新的小部件.
  3. 指定小部件类型 CMS静态块 和 theme that you want to apply the widget to, then 点击 继续 button.
  4. 在下一页 小部件标题 field enter the name of the widget which will be displayed in the admin panel. 在 分配给存储视图 field you need to select store views which will display the widget. 在 布局更新 块点击 添加布局更新 button. 在 显示在 field you can select pages w在这里 widget will be displayed on. Depending on selected pages you will have opportunity to fill in the additional fields.
  5. 在左侧栏单击 小部件选项 选项卡 和 select the static block you are referring to. 不要忘记保存更改.

When you are done configuring store pages 和 blocks, your store is ready to go.


  1. 线上购物2. 如何添加CMS静态块?
  2. How to Change the CMS静态块 Widget Link (Banner Link)?
  3. How to Change the Banner Image (CMS静态块 Widget)?
  4. How to Create CMS Block 和 Widget?


