
7500万个网站 全球都依赖于WordPress. 尽管越来越多的竞争对手不断出现,WordPress并没有动摇. 初学者尤其喜欢WordPress的简单和方便. 可能这就是为什么你选择这个CMS来启动你自己的网站的原因.

有一些步骤, however, 这将有助于您扩展您的网站的功能, 节省您的时间或增加安全性. Let’s say you will be adding a delicious filling and then wrapping your website into an appealing package!



为了在网络上显示你的网站,你需要一个托管服务. In order to reduce the number of problems with hosting, you need a quality hosting service provider.

Some users agree to work with the shared WordPress hosting and face the so-called “bad neighbor effect” where too many users are connected to a single server. 服务器的内存量有限. 如果一个网站使用超过它的份额, the other hundreds of websites will experience problems because of the “bad neighbor”.

下一个问题是,你不仅要划分内存,还要划分存储, 处理能力和带宽与其他网站. Furthermore, the websites use various applications that might also slow the work of all “neighbors”.

共享WordPress托管有它的支持者. 不过,它还是不如托管主机可靠.

托管主机是关于更快的速度. The functionality of the hosting makes it possible to reduce the page-load speed by 1 to 2 seconds or more. 需要说明的是,页面加载延迟1秒 can cost Amazon 1.每天60亿美元! 托管的WordPress主机的安全级别也更高. It enables security protocols and daily malware scans and prevents all kinds of cyber attacks.

所以,选择主机类型和 正确的托管提供商 启动网站之前的第一个重要步骤是什么.

Set up Backups

网站可能会出现不同的问题. The visitors will see “The team is working on eliminating the causes of failure on the site” message but you might not even know the cause of the failure.

所以,你的下一步就是为你的网站安装一个备份解决方案. 在失败的情况下,你将有备份或“副本”的网站. 在他们的帮助下,您将快速恢复网站.

There are a lot of solutions for creating regular backups: the WordPress directory with plug-ins has more than 500 "backup" options. 所有这些插件都能有效地工作. 以下是其中的精华:

BackWPup - not only creates a backup of the database but also saves the entire structure of files and pages on the site. The result is stored on the server or can be sent to the mail or stored in a "cloud" like S3, Dropbox或者你自己的FTP服务器上.

WordPress在线备份 - also creates a full backup for downloading and storing on a local server or for sending by email. Also, you can use the Backup Technology account to create and store backups (allows storage of up to 100 MB for free).

VaultPress -需要每月付费(5 - 40美元). 您创建的所有备份都存储在VaultPress服务器上. If something goes wrong with your servers or your local computer, the data can be restored easily.


管理区域是网站的“大脑”, 在哪里可以创建页面, edit them, download something, etc. 保护你的管理区域意味着保护网站的“大脑”.

您可以在各种安全插件和应用程序中进行选择. The 安全网站防火墙 (CloudProxy), for instance, 是一个基于云的保护应用程序,以确保一个网站从SQL注入, malware, 暴力攻击, DDoS, 黑名单和其他问题.

For many years, the standard login address of the administrative console has remained the same (:域名/ wp-admin / (site_address / wp-login.php). It makes all WordPress sites vulnerable to bots that automatically generate passwords to log in.

因此,您也可以重命名 wp-login.php 文件从你的网站的根文件夹,因为你想(甚至 sjurtfertg6720redg.php (但别忘了先把它下载到你的电脑上)). 然后替换所有提到的 wp-login.php with sjurtfertg6720redg.php.

在最新的WordPress版本中,替换所有 wp-config.php 使用新文件名的文件不起作用. 在这种情况下,您需要使用 wp-config.php 从旧版本的WP -可能多达4个.0 or 3.5. You can download wp-config.php here 然后用它做各种各样的操作.

wordpress plugins


“404未发现错误”发生在新旧网站上. 在所有情况下,它们都会导致糟糕的用户体验. Your goal lies in checking out all your pages for 404 errors and solving the problem (if happens) as quickly as possible.

在启动 WordPress website,你应该把它加到 谷歌网站管理员工具. 这一套工具可以让你以搜索引擎看到的方式看到网站. 您将在搜索结果中看到所有页面的外观. 所有有404错误的页面都会出现在抓取报告中.

这里有一个指南 如何添加您的网站 到谷歌网站管理员工具.

You should also set up alerts 跟踪404错误并快速修复它们. 如果出现404错误页面,您会立即收到Gmail或WordPress的电子邮件.


邮件问题是WordPress用户最常见的问题之一, 谁抱怨他们没有收到关于新评论的消息, database backups, 新的用户名和密码, etc.

问题可能出在PHP上 mail 函数,负责向WordPress发送电子邮件.


  1. 询问您的主机提供商邮件功能是否处于激活状态.
  2. 确保您的管理配置文件包含您的电子邮件.
  3. 第三,您应该尝试创建一个特定的邮箱 wordpress@your_domain ([email protected]) 在你的虚拟主机上. 所有从WordPress发送的消息都包含这个地址. Still, some hosting providers block this address because it wasn’t mentioned on the server.

In this case, you can make the WordPress website send emails with the help of the SMTP server. 您可以在插件的帮助下或对代码进行更改. Here is a detailed guide.


设置好电子邮件后, 你应该检查是否所有的表格(og体育), comment, 电子邮件订阅表单)在你的网站上工作得很好. It’s important to ensure that all your emails will be delivered properly to the right contacts. 为此,您可以发送 test emails 确保所有的邮件都被发送出去了.

如果你正在运行一个多用户或多作者的网站, 你也应该检查一下你的注册和登录表格.


Tracking users behavior and activity on the site will tell you the right direction you should take to develop and monetize your project. Various plugins based on the Google Analytics capabilities offer a lot of options for tracking. 有些太酷了,你一定要尝尝!

  1. Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast - Yoast raised the analytics of attendance and user activity on the sites to a new level. 您可以跟踪特定帖子,作者,点击,下载等的流量指标. 这个插件允许你收集如此大量的数据, you can not only build custom behavior templates but also collect an incredible amount of data for various purposes.
  2. 谷歌分析仪表盘 -这个插件给你一个排序访问收集的信息. 您可以快速查看站点流量统计的关键指标, 最受欢迎的帖子, and pages, 评估关键查询和主要流量来源, 找出拒绝率, 对特定材料的参观和意见.


如果你和一个电子商务网站打交道, 您应该从用户的角度了解它的工作原理和外观. Therefore, 您应该尝试浏览产品, 阅读它们的描述, 试着写注释, 将产品添加到购物车中, 并尝试购买该产品.

All descriptions should contain accurate information to prevent any misunderstandings with clients. 检查所有的发票,价格,税收,运输成本,和其他计算. 现在就做,之后就不会“头疼”了.


借助引人入胜的高质量视觉元素, 网站所有者可以增加网站的访问量和社会资本(喜欢), shares, lots of love). If you want to succeed, you must stuff your website with visuals of a premium quality. Entrepreneur recommends including visual content that is directly connected with the topic of the article and can tell the visitors more (infographics will work).

Furthermore, you should ensure that all videos, animations, and sliders play properly on all devices. Try to watch videos (check out entire visual content this way) using different devices.

不要忘记让你的访问者“喜欢”和“分享”你的帖子. 社会资本的概念在今天很有用. 根据咨询公司的数据 搜索市场现状报告2013, 74% of companies said that social media is a vital component of their SEO strategy.


2013年,卡尔! 那一年人们还在用MySpace! Now, social media marketing is more than an accompanying source of extra views and sales. It’s a huge power.

Enough for theory. 检查一下你所有的社交按钮是否正常工作.


同时还有完善的社交媒体整合, search optimization can significantly increase the visits to your website by improving its positions in the search results. 我们已经写了关于如何提高你的网站的在线存在. 这里有几个有用的备份插件:

WordPress SEO by Yoast -允许您在网站的搜索引擎优化中取得惊人的结果. 然而,不太懂技术的用户可能会认为它有点“麻烦”。. 不过这是技巧和品味的问题.

所有在一个SEO包 -搜索优化的另一个好选择.

W3 Total Cache - now you will probably ask “What is the common connection between page caching and search engine optimization?我就回答. Google now takes the speed of loading pages as one of the factors when ranking pages in the SERP. So, page caching and faster page-loading are important features for the successful parameters of SEO configuration.

Templateog体育首页 Service Center进行SEO审计

Do you need your website be visible to your target audience in search engines and you don't know where to start? SEO audit is the first step to creating an online marketing strategy that really works. You will get the analysis and guidelines on how to implement the given recommendations on your website.


The last step before launching a WordPress website is to conduct performance tests. 速度不仅对良好的用户体验很重要,而且对优秀的SEO也很重要.

你可以检查你的网站速度的帮助下 Google Pagespeed or Pingdom tools. 如果你不满意你的网站的速度,你可以改进它 W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache 缓存插件或CDN (MaxCDN).

Still, 在安装缓存插件或工具之前, 您应该询问您的托管提供商,如果您的计划还没有包含它们. Most managed WordPress hosting plans contain built-in caching plugins, CDN, and backups.

If you are satisfied with all parameters and the look of your website, you can launch it. Good luck!

wordpress themes

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  1. The best hosting 用于WordPress网站. 点击我们的链接,获得市场上最优惠的价格,82%的折扣. 如果HostPapa没有给你留下深刻的印象,看看其他 alternatives.
  2. 网站安装服务 -让您的模板启动和运行在短短6小时内没有麻烦. 没有一分钟是浪费的,工作正在进行.
  3. ONE Membership -下载无限数量的WordPress主题, plugins, PPT等产品在一个许可范围内. 因为越大越好.
  4. 现成的网站服务 最终的解决方案是否包含完整的模板安装 & configuration, 内容集成, 实现必备插件, 安全功能和扩展的页面SEO优化. 开发团队将为您完成所有工作.
  5. 必备的WordPress插件 -获得最重要的插件为您的网站在一个捆绑包. 所有插件将被安装、激活并检查是否正常运行. 
  6. 最好的库存图片的网站 -创造惊人的视觉效果. 你可以访问Depositphotos.Com选择15张无限制主题和大小选择的图片.
  7. SSL证书创建服务 -获得网站访问者的绝对信任. Comodo Certificate is the most reliable http protocol that ensures users data safety against cyber attacks. 
  8. 网站速度优化服务 -增加您的网站的用户体验,并获得更好的谷歌PageSpeed得分.

Alma Diaz

自由职业者,热爱旅游、艺术和学习外语. 对探索新文化感到兴奋. 特别热衷于以一种出色的方式用文字传达思想. Instagram


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